TV is too small-screen for Izzard
By Jonathan Donald

Eddie Izzard: Serious ActorCross-dressing comic Eddie Izzard has turned his back on TV - as the small screen just isn't big enough any more.

Izzard, 39, is determined to pursue his career as a stand-up but is also keen to be known as a serious actor through stage and big-screen roles.

He told TV Plus: "You'll never see me on TV. I like doing film, stand-up and theatre. In the '80s I would have been happy to do as many comedy shows as I could but that boat was missed and I've gone on to other boats."

The flamboyant star has set his sights on becoming a serious actor.

In the New Year, Izzard, last seen on TV hosting documentary It's The Monty Python Story, will star in three films: The Revenger's Tragedies, The Cat's Meow, and All The Queen's Men.

He is also playing the lead in the West End production of A Day In The Life Of Joe Egg until February.

"2002 should be good, but we will have to see what happens," he said.

-- from (thanks Sarah)