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1. Coming Out of a Book
They call it coming out of a book, and you’ve got to do it at some point in
your life, haven’t you? You’ve got to just fuckin’ come out of a book, you know,
surprise your neighbours! Hey! A fucking big book next door, yes… Andy Warhol
said, “You’ve always gotta come out of a book at some point,” he said, and then,
poof! And big hair… Or he said something like that.
So we’re here, yes… This is the video, a very, very special video- a video
album, this is what it is… (mumbles) of all the incredibly funny things… in my
brain, I suppose, ‘cause people think I’m on drugs, and I’m not, I’m really quite,
you know… just a bit of coffee, and I’m really… (mimes being level-headed) When
I take drugs, I start going, “Oh, insurance! Ever thought of…? And pensions! Very
sensible!” So don’t take drugs, otherwise you’ll go like that! Just go… (sticks
tongue out) Yeah!
2. Of Thimbles and Horseshoes
But thimbles is what I really wanted to talk about, because… you don’t really-
well, they don’t get enough press these days, do they? I don’t think they ever
did, because very rarely you see, “’Thimbles: Oh!’ Says Man” You know what I mean…
‘Cause my Gran said, “Put a thimble on your finger, and it helps you, in case
you slip with a needle, the needle goes up, and into brain, and death…” And before
thimbles were invented, it was… “Needle Death – Tragic – Whole Family! Family
of Sewers – Tragic! ‘If Only Thimbles Were Invented,’ says psychic man with big
hat… and beard to match” “Thimbles Compulsory for Children in Many Buses” So –
The best thing with thimbles is to put one on each finger, and then you can
do impressions of horses. (mimes tapping fingers) Horses with one too many legs,
I suppose… ‘Cause they do have a metallic sound, don’t they, horseshoes? Well,
horses have got hooves, they’ve got this bit of semicircular metal nailed to each
and every foot! And that’s just a con! For centuries, blacksmiths saying,
“Is that your horse? Better nail a bit of semicircular metal to each of his
“Oh, no, thanks, it’s got hooves! Thanks very much.”
“No, better nail a bit of semicircular metal on. Have you ever had a blowout
on a horse doing 70? Yeah…” (mimes horse getting out of control) “Steel radials,
that’s what you want, mate! Are those anti-lock hooves?”
“Ooh, I’m not sure…”
It is. Perhaps it’s a big con, they’ve done it very successfully for centuries,
but they were just trying with all hoofed animals. “You got any more in your farm?
Cows! Bring them in, they’ve got hooves! And pigs and sheep, hooves the lot of
them! I’ll put shoes… And your ducks and geese, get the whole bloody farm in!
And your next door neighbour. The whole farm for 50 quid…” Ducks going around,
going ‘clang, clang, clang…’ (points finger) “Quack!” Swimming out in the water…
(mimes swimming and sinking, only to take off horseshoes at the end) They don’t
do the breast-stroke, do they, ducks? They just (mimes duck swimming) Any duck
doing that is really kind of crap. (moves from breast stroke to crawl) Yes…
And it’s also lucky, horseshoes are lucky! And horses have four bits of lucky
nailed to their feet. They should be the luckiest animals in the world! They should
win all their horse races, shouldn’t they? “It’s after 3:30, and today, every
single horse was first equal… One horse dropped a shoe, came in fourth… And the
duck was ninth. Five ran…” It’s what they always say at the end, don’t
they? A bit of useless – “five run.” Are there people at home, going, “But how
many run?” Or is it the idea, “Five run, one sauntered, really… one drove a small
car… one windsurfed, one “hang-glid.” Yeah, you decline the verb “to hang-glide,”
then – I hang-glide, you hang-glide, he/she hang-glides, we hang-glid, you hang-glided,
they “hang-glidededed.” Anyway, that’s all rubbish!
3. Supermarkets
Sometimes, though, you want to buy a thimble, or a horseshoe, or a bit of
fluff, or an elephant, and you go down your local supermarket. Don’t laugh too
much, please… The local supermarket, you know; the hypermarket, they’re big, fuckoff,
huge, big as a village these days, and everyone’s in there: trendy people, straight
people, rich, poor; everyone in there, pushing trolleys, going, “Do we want yoghurt?
I don’t know…” And you can push things around, you can fill up with stuff, and
then you get bored of your shopping. “Oh, forget that! I don’t want it!” You can
just leave your trolley, kind of… “No, I’m just…” Pick another one, “Oh, I’ve
got this one!”
But trolleys, they never run straight, do they? Have you ever flown on a trolley?
Never! Because they’ve always got the wobbly wheel off to the right, hit someone
in the stomach, and they drop all their shopping in, and then you’ve got their
shopping… (mimes moving away with the trolley) And if you hit an old lady, you
get hairnets and dog food! That’s all they buy. At a certain age, about 80, I
think, they go, (mimes writing shopping list) “Fuck everything else! Hairnets
and dog food, that’s all I need now…” ‘Cause you’re on bonus time from then on,
really, so you might as well get weird shit. “Hairnets and dog food.” Hairnets,
of course, are pointless; we’ve all known this, and we’ve marveled at people putting
them on, ‘cause when you take them off in the morning, you’ve got criss-cross
patterns on your hair.
“Why, old lady? Why the hairnet?”
(mimes holding the hairnet against the hair) “Oh, the hair thieves! The hair
thieves, they come in the night… Steal your hair, they do! Sell us into slavery…
in Azerbaijan. “
4. Caesar
And dog food as well. There was a dog food a while back called “Mr. Dog.”
It was a small can of dog food for small, yappy-type dogs. And there was a big
advertising campaign, saying, “Buy Mr. Dog, for small, yappy-type dogs… and maybe,
they’ll shut the fuck up!” So that was fine, and then there was a “stroke
your beard meeting” back at Mr. Dog’s headquarters. (mimes stroking beard) “Well…
we’ve sold but two cans of ‘Mr. Dog…’” which some people do say, “But two cans…
Let’s change the name!” So they changed the name, from “Mr. Dog” to “Cesar.” Now
that’s a bit of an image shift in my book of references. “Mr. Dog” – small dog,
yes, you can see the sort of linky there. “Caesar” – Roman leader 2,000 years
ago – small dog. Bit of a strangled route up to that one, isn’t it? Left at the
traffic lights to get there… I think that’s a 3:00 in the morning decision, that
one. (mimes dragging from joint) “It’s ‘Caesar,” we’ll call it ‘Caesar’!
‘Caesar’! What about…? Yeah, yeah, fucking ‘Caesar’! He was a Roman
leader… Yeah, small dogs are Roman leaders, aren’t they? (offers joint to dog)
All right, ‘Caesar’! But we’ll drop the ‘a’ out, right?” ‘Cause it was
C-A-E-S-A-R, for some reason.
I don’t think Caesar was going 2,000 years ago, (as James Mason) “I have defeated
Pompeii, I’m first Emperor of Rome! I wear the laurel wreath, with the front bit
bitten out… In 2,000 years’ time, I shall be remembered as a can of small dog
food for small, yappy-type dogs… and I shall be played by James Mason in the film.
Yes, I shall, I shall…” (mimes pointing fingers and shaking) That’s what he used
to do, didn’t he, James Mason? Eh… “Here’s Jimmy!” No, he didn’t, that’s a lie.
It would have freaked us out if he did! “Ladies and gentlemen, James Mason!” (repeats
movement) “What are you doing, James?” Sorry, forget all that bit; we’ll cut that
out. Now…
5. The Psychology of Fruit
Oh, yes! And supermarkets, yes… As soon as you go in, have you noticed? They
do psychological tricks on us. As soon as you go in, you hit fresh fruit and veg.
You noticed that? Every single time! You go to France, Germany, fresh fruit and
veg, and it’s psychological, you go in, thinking, “This is a fresh shop!
Everything here is fresh! I will do well here…” It is, think about it!
You never go in to the toilet paper section, with the loo brushes and the squeeze…
‘cause then you go, “This is a poo shop! Everything here is made
of poo! I’m not shopping here, I’m… going to Azerbaijan!” (mimes walking
away and stops, then poses) I knew I didn’t need to mime any further, you got
the drift…
Yeah, so… and all these fruits have got vitamins- vitamin A, of course, which
is good for (mumbles), vitamin B, which we all know is very good for (mumbles
again), vitamin C is good for scurvy, isn’t it? Yes! There’s a lot of scurvy around
these days… People phone in, “I can’t come in to work, I’ve got scurvy, yes… Well,
I live on a houseboat and… Yeah, frothing at the mouth, yeah… the old Captain
Cook problem there…” They’ve got vitamin D, which again is good for (mumbles),
Vitamin E, which is good for skin, and then that’s it, no more vitamins. The whole
vitamin-naming committee are going, “Let’s see, vitamin F. Suggestions? Oh, fuck
it! I’m off down the boozer… Azerbaijan.”
And all these people made food, like Granny Smith. Granny Smith made apples.
Who was this woman, Granny Smith?
“My name is Mrs. Smith, I’ve made apples out of bread, a dripping and a bit
of green paint, and corrugated iron.”
“No, these are horrible apples, Mrs. Smith. Go away, Mrs. Smith! Go away until
your daughter has a baby.” (mimes walking away)
“Shag, daughter, shag! It’s a marketing idea, shag for babies! (mimes running
back) My daughter’s had a baby, I’m Granny Smith now!”
“Come in, Granny Smith! You a wonderful idea, you! Come in with your shiny
“Brought family member, Mr. Delicious. He’s got apples – Gold Delicious. Come
in, Gold. King Edward, abdicated the throne, took up potato-making, there we go…
Mrs. Simpson, jewellery… And there’s Hitler as well, they used to hang out together,
and Jeff Bruckley, of the Bruckley family.” It’s all about threes…
Apples are great, apples are user-friendly, just big, hearty- you grab ‘em,
you go “arf, arf, arf, arf, arf” (mimes chomping on the apple) and then you start
to eat them, and… Always do the dog impression first, and when you get close to
the pips in the middle, you go, “Ew!” and you throw it away, in case you swallowed
a pip and a tree comes out of your head. We know this to be true…
6. Das Orange and the Stalinist Pears
And oranges! There’s a big war, don’t know if you know, but there’s this sort
of internal war going on between the big, old-fashioned oranges, big, fuckoff,
kind of… (stern sounds) Stalinist, big, fuckoff… (more noises) kind of oranges,
and the new baby Satsuma, Minneola, kumquat, MG… (makes car noises) Satsumari,
kind of… (makes noises accompanied by mime of easy opening the fruit) Big fat
war on that, because to eat a Satsuma , it’s a piece of piss, you just go (mimes
opening the fruit, taking a piece and eating it) And you break off these one by
one, don’t you? And you’ve got so much of it, and if there’s people in the room,
you go, (mimes offering a piece) “Go on, go on!” It’s like a very cheap round,
isn’t it? “Go on, Satsuma for everyone!” And if you’re the other person in the
room, you go, “No, no… Well, all right, yeah… (mimes accepting piece) Thank you
very much.” Yeah…
So Satsumas are great, eating’s a piece of piss, but you can’t do it with
an orange. You go, “You want a bit of orange? I’ve got… fucking ‘ell! (mimes hammering
on the orange to open it) Can’t fucking… hell…” ‘Cause inside an orange- it’s
like the film “Das Boot” in there! With Jürgen Prochnov going,
(German accent) “Don’t let them get in to the orange! It’s most important!
Or the juice will get out, and it’ll not be good. They’re breaking in with fingers,
depth charges! Let the peel come off only in small chunks!”
(mimes peeling orange with fingers) “Shit! Jesus Christ!”
(as Prochnov) “They’re breaking in! Push all the pips into bits they wouldn’t
expect, that’ll do!” (mimes pushing pips around)
‘Cause it is! There’s no chance of someone eating an orange, going, “Hey!”
(mimes choking on the bit due to a pip) “You’re very nice…” (chuckles) There’s
not a chance of someone who speaks like that anyway…
So oranges can fuck off, that’s what I say! And pears can fuck off too! ‘Cause
they’re gorgeous little beasts, but they’re ripe for half an hour… and you’re
never there! They’re like a rock, or they’re mush! In the supermarket, people
are hammering in nails… (mimes hammering) “We’re just putting these shelves up,
mate, then you can have the pear.” Really, ‘cause you do do that squeezy-squeezy
thing on fruit, where you go, “Oh..! Squeezy, oh…” It’s a test- squeezy thing,
that you’ve seen French chefs do on telly. “Oh, squeezy, oh…” But I have no frame
of reference, so I’m going, “Oh… Is that good? I’m squeezing it about this much
– is that a good squeezy?” ‘Cause it seems like such an expert thing! They seem
to go… (mimes squeezing fruit without looking) “This one!” They don’t even look
at it, they just… Sometimes they go (mimes squeezing and bursting fruit) “Oh,
shit! No, it’s got a hole in it, I’m not really…” Or just put it on the end of
a broom… “Yeah… it’s the manager!”
So fuck pears… Pears are like a rock, so you think, “I’ll take them home and
they’ll ripen up,” and you put them in a bowl, and they sit there going, “No!
No! Don’t ripen yet! Don’t ripen yet! Wait till he goes out of the room! Ripen
now! Now! Now!” (mimes pears ripening fast) And you come back in, and you go,
“I’ll just have one of these…” (mimes touching a rotten fruit) “Hey, these pears
are dead! These are dead pears, man. Hey, what happened, guys?” They’re all going…
(laughs like Muttley)
And then there’s banana skins as well. There’s bananas and their skins; there’s
all this sort of slipping on a banana skin and hilarity that’s been around for
many years. Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve never actually, in my life, ever
seen anyone actually slip on a banana skin in reality. I’ve never seen documentary
footage of anyone slipping on a banana skin; I’ve heard the stories, oh, yes!
People have told me stories… The Nazis did propaganda…
So it’s all those fruits there, and there’s South African fruit we can have
now, without going, “Oh, the guilt!” And star fruit, which are from Mars! So it’s
great, you’ve got all these fruits, and you get a selection, you take it home,
you arrange it in a bowl… and then you watch it rot! You never eat it,
really… Occasionally, you go up to it, and go… “Ah… I don’t think I will. Ooh,
a Mars bar, there we go!” (mimes eating bar) “Oh, I’m full-up now!” And they all
rot from the bottom up, you go… (disgusted noises) Except for the oranges, that
sit in the back and go, “No!” (blows up cheeks to imitate orange, if such a thing
is possible) You chuck all the rest away, and the oranges are sitting there, going…
(repeats mime) for months it sits there… in a Stalinist kind of way. So, yeah…
7. Of Food Labels and Queue Strategies
And there’s also labels in supermarkets; you’ve got labels on the food stuff
now, so you can- it says “Four grams of protein,” you go, “Ah!” Is that good?
Is that far too little protein? Is it you’re gonna die of protein shortage, or
you’re gonna overdose on it? “0.02 milligrams of sodium.” Sodium explodes in water.
Do I need 0.02 milligrams of that? Calcium- can you overdose on calcium? Can you
go… (grins impossibly, miming having huge teeth)
“Well, I think there’s too much calcium in your diet.”
“Yes, that’s what I thought.”
“Are you eating a lot of chalk salad?”
So you make your choices of stuff in the supermarket, and you go down to where
the queues are, and there’s 30, 40, maybe a million queues there! And you always
choose one of those aisles- when you’re walking down, it’s kind of enclosed in
the aisle, isn’t it? There’s all this stuff there, and suddenly, whoosh! It’s
out, and there’s all the queues, and you know you’ve got 30 seconds to choose
your queue, and you’re going… We’re all very good at queue strategy now, have
you noticed? No one taught us this, we just go… We’re going, (mimes moving to
pick the best queue) “Okay, 4, 4 looks pretty good… 7. No, no, quite a few people,
all hand baskets. Hand baskets are good… It’ll move fast. 17 just opened! You
take the French bread, you go on 17! I’m on 4. (mimes using Secret Service-type
intercom) Keep in touch, keep in touch. Whoever gets there first, we’ll join and
we get out, OK? Dropout on 7! I’m on 7! Shit, they’re paying with Luncheon vouchers!
I’m back on 4! I’ve lost 4! You bastard! I left my aura there…” (chuckles) Always
a good one… unless you get a ticket for parking.
“Your aura is parked there.”
“Oh, sorry.”
You’re fine, usually, in the queue, until you see someone about three meters
behind you pull up in a queue, and then there’s a bit of a delay, and they’re
almost paying! They’re almost out! And you’re going, “Come on! Come on, there’s
a war on, you know?” And the new queue, that’s what I’m always looking for, the
new queue; that is the end of the rainbow, that’s where all the gold in the world
is stacked, the new queue! ‘Cause you could be fifth, sixth in that sort of 15-minute
queue, and “New queue!” You’re in there! And the fastest, the most agile, the
keen minds are there, and you’re looking in advance for potential new queues.
People around the till, putting money in, and as soon as you see it going on the
till… (mimes moving slowly towards the new queue) But not too obvious, otherwise
everyone else in the queue sees you… so you just keep one eye on it, and try…
“Look over there! There’s a badger with a gun! Can you see? Surely he’s going
to kill… new queue!” (dashing over to new queue) But then you’re not sure- are
they opening? Are they just mending the till? And you… you don’t want to… “Oh,
you’re not? Oh, I was there!
was there!” You can take all your clothes off and put them on a string, and
then… (moves to new line while tending rope) “Oh, you’re not? Okay.” (walks back
picking up rope and clothes, then gets redressed) Depends on what you’re wearing,
of course. A lot of you applaud, going, “Yeah! Oh, that wasn’t that good, was
8. Scanning Machines
But they’ve the beeping machines these days! There’s a bar code on all the
stuff, and there’s a little sort of star-shaped thing, and they just show it to
it. (mimes scanning items) “Beep!” Like the machine is going, “Yes, all right…”
(beeping continues) “Yes, that’s still fine.” And it must get boring! (scanning
and beeping continue) All day… (beep) and the excitement (beep) that never happens
(beep) is when it goes… (mimes failed scanning and repeated attempts to make it
(pointing at the bar code) “Fucking make the noise! It’s some thing!”
The machine is going, “No, I’m bored…”
“Oh, go on! Make the noise!”
“No, I don’t want to…”
“I’ll read it at you. Thick one, thin one, thick one, thin one… thick, thick,
thin… are you getting this? Thin… Oh, forget it! I’ll just type out the handy
50-digit number, I’ll be with you in a second.” (mimes entering bar code number
into a manual typewriter) “So much more efficient these days!” And you realize
two sea anemones have taken over your hands… sometimes.
9. Late Night Shopping
Late night shopping in local petrol stations, that’s a form of 20th.
Century shopping that I don’t think anyone would have thought it was gonna happen.
And you’re there, at 3:00AM, especially in inner cities, this is- 3:00AM, you’re
at the petrol station, there’s a guy behind bullet-proof glass, slumped over a
desk, dead! Or asleep, you’re not sure, you don’t care; even if he is
dead, you’re going, (mimes knocking on glass) “Wake up! I want groceries…” And
he wakes up, and you go, “Oh, sorry, mate, sorry, I just want… No, I don’t have
a car- I don’t have a car. I do not have a car.” There’s a big communication
problem, isn’t there? They’ve built this bullet-proof glass, and it’s sound proof!
(mimes gesticulating and trying hard to listen) Try to talk through the thing…
(mimes talking through pay box) “I don’t want any… Some brown bread, I just want
some brown bread. Yeah, brown bread. Right over there, brown bread… No, that’s
diesel oil… Brown bread, brown… (mimes like in charades) Two words, brown bread.
First word, sounds like… brown. Brown! Brown bread!” 3:00 in the morning, and
you get into this, and there’s a queue forming behind you… (uneasy looking behind
himself) “No, it’s brown bread, brown… “ A queue of murderers! (mimes the different
murderers in line) With different weapons! Someone on a camel about here… people
from “Star Trek” down here… And you’re going, (scared and desperate) “Yeah, the
brown bread! Get the brown bread, man! Just get it quickly!” You’re trying to
give real fuckoff vibes around here, so that no one hassles you. “Yeah, bread
for my bread gun!” (mimes for petrol station attendant to hurry up) “Give
me the bread! What? Shredded wheat? That’s fine! I’ll eat that shredded… fuck
it! I’ll put marmalade on it, it’s fine. And a packet of Rizlas, thanks. Why do
I want them? I… I’m a stamp collector, and I’ve run out of stamps, so I thought
I’d get those clippy, plain ones, you know? Where you can draw your own stamp
in on it. Fucking give it to me!”
Then they do the dance of the tray (makes tray noises) “Aah! My hand! Thank
you. Can I have a bag?” Then they put this very thin bag in, the thinnest bag
in the world. So thin, you’re surprised you get everything into it… Then you go
off, and the whole queue follows you.
“Follow him! He speaks in sentences.”
“No, no, you must hassle him now. He has the groceries.”
“Oh, groceries! Yeah, yeah…” (walks back to the petrol station) “Hello, we’re
murderers. A Twix, please.”
10. Not Exactly Don Corleone…
And they’re behind bullet-proof glass there, because, you know, it’s late
at night, people are hassling them, if they go in the shop, they try to nick stuff…
And I must admit, I got caught nicking stuff when I was 15, and I was nicking
makeup, back in Boots in Bexhill-On-Sea. I could’ve bought it, I could’ve saved
up and bought it, but I thought, if I bought it, someone might say, “Hey, you’re
a boy buying makeup! You must be a trans-vestite!” And then I’d have to
go, “Oh, Sherlock Holmes! How did you get to the bottom of that one, you big,
deer-stalker, weird, fucking hat person? Four dog ears!” Why is it called a deer
stalker? Anyone stalking a deer now, the deer would go… (mimes deer bursting out
“There’s a guy out there with four dog ears, with two strings hanging off.”
“I’m a deer stalker! That’s a deer-stalker!”
Don’t know why, just a stupid hat, I think. Anyway, so I didn’t buy the makeup,
I nicked it! And I had a loaf of brown bread, so I put it under this brown bread,
and I run out of the shop and down Bexhill High Street, and they caught me!
But I was 15, so they let me off with a warning, which was,
“This lipstick is not gonna work with this eye-shadow, no way! That’s light
blue, that’s a death colour! You want a bit of foundation in this, that’s very
cheap foundation.”
“That’s a warning!”
“Oh, thank you, Chief Constable.”
Also, I got done for jumping a 20p tube fare! This is my whole crime sheet,
right? Which is quite an interesting read… 20p! This is not Don Corleone, this
is Don Crap. I jumped a 20p underground tube fare, and I was waving a pass
at the time, you know, it was drawn on a Rizla or something; it was a Bishop of
Durham pass. (mimes bishop’s gestures) “I’m the Bishop of Durham… Oh, bless you,
my son.” (chuckling) And the guy said, “You’re not Bishop of Durham! He wears
a bigger hat than that!” So he got me. “I got him! I got the 20p kid! You’ve caused
us £1.60 worth of trouble, you have, in your time. I’ve got him and I’ll be promoted
in the underground system. I’ll get my own darkness!”
Then an off-duty policeman came, and he had a pot plant and a camera, on his
way home for a good night photographing pot plants, I suppose… This is all bizarre,
but true; this is what he had, and he said, “I’ve got him too! Oh, I’ll get promoted…
King of Metropolitan Police!” And I thought, “I’m going down for 20p! No, I’m
gonna run for it! I’ll run for it like Mel Gibson in the film “Gallipoli,” and…
other people in running films.” So I run, and I run, and I run, and I run, and
after five inches, they caught me… They called for backup, and now 20 policemen
are coming down, thousands of pounds worth of police work – “We’ve got the 20p
kid! 20ps are safe from now on…” And three policemen pulled me for five minutes!
I don’t know if you’ve ever had this, they grab one leg each, and I don’t know
– obviously, they were working together; they thought I was struggling like crazy,
I’d given up at this point. One over here was going, (mimes pulling from arm)
“Don’t struggle, there! Don’t struggle!” People over here going, “Eh! Don’t you
fuckin’ struggle!” So it was a continuous machine of them pulling against each
other, I had one hand free, I was going, (waves) “Hi! How are you? I’ll talk about
this in many years…”
And then they put me in Bower Street overnight, and that became assaulting
a police officer! Surely it was stretching a pedestrian! It was! I got down
for assault, and I was running away! Assault is motion towards, I feel…
it takes an accusative. Very rarely in war, they go, “Assault that hill over there!”
(mimes running in opposite direction) “Let me do a bit of stretching here…” I
should have been done for deserting a police officer.
11. Guns & Banjos
There’s a shop in South London which was a very… it’s still there, apparently.
It’s in Tooting High Street, and it sells two very disparate items. On one side
of the shop – they put them on different sides, it’s great! One side is guns,
and knives, and harpoons and fucking- really mean fucking weapons. On the other
side, there’s banjos, and violins, and bassoons, and you know about it, don’t
you? Yeah! It’s fucking there! And what’s the guy doing? “Oh, we’re way
down in weaponry, but up on banjos this week… That’s good, people are getting
lighter these days, in tough times. They shift to music like crazy at the moment!
Way down on bassoons!” What, is this mad guy going… Someone browsing around… “An
Uzi machine gun, slices a man in two, 200 rounds a minute, or… a banjo!” (mimes
playing banjo) “A ukulele, like George Formby.” You remember that famous fight,
George Formby against Muhammad Ali? That was very… A dyslexic promoter put it
on, and it was brilliant… “I’m gonna kill him, I’m gonna kill him…” (mimes playing
banjo) “Hey, turn that… “ (mimes getting punched while playing) “Hey! Oh, it’s
a big bugger! (mimes running away while playing) Who put me up for this gig? (punch)
Fucking ‘ell!” (bell sound) The trainer comes up,
“You’re doing well, you’re doing well!”
“He’s fucking hitting me!” (continues to play banjo and sings nonsense) “My
ukulele is smashed. I’m going to that gun shop!”
Guns & Banjos… interesting band. Could be… (mimes audience reaction) It
was a very wide reaction on that last… ish thing. We’ll cut this. (chuckles) No,
they’re gonna leave it in! You noticed that when people say, “Oh, we’ll cut this,”
it’s always left in there? Anyway…
12. Sexy Tunes
Oh, I forgot my rest of the show! How does it go? Oh, emergency joke: two
men went into a pub… and they totally redecorated it! It was brilliant! It’s an
old joke…
Oh, yeah, musical instruments! I played the clarinet, right? I wanted to play
the piano, but somehow I got a clarinet. I don’t know quite how that worked… Five
people can play the clarinet in the world, and they make quite a beautiful, wooden…
It’s just a wooden noise (imitates sound), it floats… (makes noise again) That’s
not the noise, is it? It’s like a clarinet, but I played it like a foghorn being
dragged through a place where foghorns shouldn’t be dragged. It was just… it was
bad noise. (bad clarinet noise) And if you’re an adult, and you’re playing a musical
instrument, you’re probably making some of this sound, ‘cause you want to play
it, your heart is in it, you’ve gotta have feeling, you gotta go… You can’t paint
a picture if you don’t want to… (mimes painting sloppily) “Oh… it’s the Eiffel
Tower!” You know…
“This is a splotch.”
“It’s the Eiffel Tower.”
You’ve gotta be in there. Now, if you’re a kid playing a musical instrument,
there’s probably a certain element of parental pressure that’s going in
“Yes, little Johnnie, you should play the violin, because I never had
the chance when I was a child.”
“Well, you’ve got the child’s now, why don’t you learn it now?”
“No… No, I don’t think I will. I have to watch telly and drive cars now, it’s
the pressure of being an adult.”
“But I don’t wanna learn! I want to go and smash things with hammers!”
“Yes, I know, but if you were musical, oh, the world would be wonderful, and
I would hear the wonderful noise…”
(rolling eyes) “Oh, fucking ‘ell!”
So the kid goes, “All right, I’ll learn the violin, but you won’t like
it! I’ll make a bad noise! Practicing… (mimes making the violin screech)
“Oh, fucking ‘ell!” The violin like this, the cello is slightly bigger, with a
spike on the bow that kills you, and the double bass you have to rest on a friend
to play… I played the clarinet.
And if you play a musical instrument; if you’re a kid and play a musical instrument,
you want to play sexy tunes, don’t you? “I want to play sexy tunes! I want
to play tunes so that other kids at school come up and say, ‘Hey, he’s playing
sexy tunes!’ People who I fancy say, ‘We must dance provocatively in front of
him, like they do in films we don’t believe.’ (humming a tune and dancing) ‘We
will shag him as soon as we know how.’” That was where you wanted to go, wasn’t
it? You wanted everyone to go, “Oh, wow, what a hip fucking dancey tune…” But
all the music lessons just make you learn dirge! I was learning from this book
called “A Tune A Day,” and…
“This tune is called “Snug As A Bug In A Rug.” So, is this a sexy tune, Mrs.
Badcrumble? I just don’t think, Mrs. Badcrumble, that this is really gonna be
a sexy tune.”
“No, it’s a totally sexy tune on the clarinet! I made love to this tune with
my husband in 1481, I’ll have you know…”
“You did? It’s a very sexy tune? All right, I’ll have a go. Here we go…” (mimes
playing “Snug As A Bug In A Rug”) “At what point did you orgasm during this song,
Mrs. Badcrumble?”
“All through it, it was multiple! They hadn’t been invented in 1481, but I
got there… on a hang-glider.”
“You’re fucking nuts!”
13. “We’ve Spawned The Devil”
The clarinet’s got a wooden reed at the back, and you have to push it, you
have to make… it’s not an ambesure, which is something else, it’s a kind of vegetable…
that flute players have to deal with… (ambesure sounds) and if you’re making a
sound, you squeak (squeaking and making practice sounds) After a while, I was
practicing and my Dad was going, “Stop practicing! You sound crap! I have bought
a hammer! You may borrow it if you wish!” Oh, it was a dreadful, fucking noise!
And the clarinet’s like that, but the oboe has two bits of wooden reed pushed
together, you have to… (blowing through ambesure) It’s designed not to let any
sound in! It’s like trying to blow in a weasel! (mimes blowing in a weasel)
The tuba! Who chooses to play a tuba? Surely a tuba is a punishment thing,
surely it’s community service.
“You’ve been sentenced to three years on the tuba.”
“Oh, God!”
Who wants to make… (mimes playing tuba)? It’s got a huge horn, you can get
a child in there! (mimes playing tuba and child eventually taking off) The trumpet’s
okay, but it makes your cheeks go out to hamster-size; there’s a thing called
a triangle, it’s just a triangle, it goes “ting!” Forget it, just with your mouth,
go “ting!” The percussionists… (mimes playing percussion and vocal triangle)
“Where’s your fucking triangle?”
“Oh, grow up!”
(mimes playing percussion short notes) They do that, people play these big
cauldrons… it’s like doing it too loud… (mimes putting hand on kettle drum after
playing note) Yeah, true story…
So there’s all these instruments, and I played third clarinet, right? In the
school band. The first clarinets played the melody, that’s okay, you know where
you’re going;
second clarinets played harmonies that back up the melody and sort of link,
okay; third clarinets played the notes that are left over! We were just
going (sings third clarinet part) It’s boring! The only exciting way to do it
is really blow it loud! (sings third clarinet part loudly) The teacher is going,
“Piano! Piano!” You go, “It’s not a fucking piano! It’s a clarinet... you
weird-talking person.”
And then it was… (making horrible noises from instruments played by children)
These strange, fucking noises, and the teacher is going, “Oh, this is a God-awful
band! I know, I’ll get the parents to listen to this. Then maybe they’ll kill
‘em!” And a big sign went up – “School Band Will Play Tunes!” And no one from
the local town came, no hip people said, “Hey, we’re going down the school, they’re
gonna play a gig… I’m gonna stage-dive on the bassoon player…” Just the parents
came, and sat down, going… (waving to each other) “Oh, they’re gonna kill us!
We’re crap!” The teacher gets up, “The school band will now murder ‘O Come All
Ye Faithful.’ The song has been arranged with… no real care. Helmets will be worn
during the production. Go!” (sings awful noise, including blowing on weasel, tuba
flight, vocal triangle and hamster cheeks) Parents are going, “Oh… my… God!! We
have spawned the devil! Let’s go and find hammers for them.”
14. The Italian Job
Poetry! Poetry is very similar to music, only less notes and more words. And
there was a Scottish poet named Robbie Burns- Robbie Burns to Scottish people,
Robbie Burns to English people, and Rabbi Burns to Jewish people… who turn up
at his door and say,
“What is the Hebrew translation…?
“I don’t know, I’m a poet, I don’t know this… go away. Are you trick or treat?”
“I need the translation…”
And he wrote poetry, he wrote a big fucking book of poetry, but one of his
most famous lines is “The Best Laid Plans O' Mice and Men Aft Gang Aglay,”
meaning “The best laid plans of mice and men often go wrong.” And because it’s
poetry, people go, (mimes stroking beard) “Oh, I know what you mean there, Robbie,
yes… Fucking plans ganging aglay by a fucking truckload…” And being a poet, he
must have observed humanity, must have said, “Men. Men make plans. These plans
go wrong. Go wrong once, twice… often! Often, a number of plans I’ve seen go wrong…
Possible idea for a poem…”
And then he must have turned his attention to the other animal mentioned
in that line of poetry. If you think back to it, “The best laid plans of mice
and men…” Exactly which mice plans was he really honing in here on? The best laid
ones go aglay, some of the worse laid ones are okay? Some of them get through?
He was fucking off this trolley! “See, mice also make plans, unbeknownst
to most people. They plan to get cheese! They run, they scamper… Oh, one’s fallen
over! No cheese today… Oh, plan two: they’ve got three, another one’s got a stick,
he’s gonna put the stick into the mousetrap… No, he’s broken the stick! What a
jessie! Plan three – Oh, they’ve got a flip chart now! Very serious… there’s a
lot of mise surrounding the meeting, and they’re having a discussion… Oh, good
plan this, probably! Their best laid plan, I believe… I could just hear what they’re
saying. One mouse is going,
“You aren’t supposed to blow the bloody doors off! Told you about that… What
are you doing, coming in here, and making such a fracas? Now tell me the plan.”
“Well, we’ll drive the Minis into the square…”
“No, piazza.”
“Oh, it’s piazza, Charlie? And we load the cheese in the back of the Minis,
and we drove it at you during a football match.”
“That’s right. Wallop, wallop, wallop, into the big coach driven by William,
rounding in the Alps, and we’re free. And you’re sitting in the back, and you’re
not having a migraine, and you’re gonna shut your face.”
“All right, Charlie.”
(as Burns, still taking notes) “Meanwhile, back in London, the Chief Mouse
is talking to the prison governor-
“Somebody has broken into my toilet.”
“Well, I’m terribly sorry.”
“Get on to Camp Freddy, I want Charlie Crocker given a good going-over.””
So if you haven’t seen “The Italian Job,” this is all meaningless, by the
way, but then, if you haven’t seen it, you probably haven’t lived… Yes, yes…
15. Sayings
And sayings as well! Sayings are very interesting ‘cause they’re based on
truth, then they’ve got a bit of old wives’ tale on top, then a bit of a hazy
farther, a bit of uncle… banana, and then you’ve ice-cream on top, and it’s just
rubbish! I mean, like “He doesn’t suffer fools gladly.” We go (mimes agreeing
with saying) Who does suffer fools gladly?! How often you can go,
“Hello! I’ve got a pig in me trousers!” (mimes having a pig in trousers)
“Come in! Come in, you fool! That pig sounds like a dog.”
“No, it’s a pig; I just can’t be bothered to do the impression. Can my friend
come in? He’s got jam for brains”
“Yes, come in, you fool!” (mimes trying to keep jam inside head)
The other saying was… what was the other saying? Oh, yes, “Go and teach your
grandmother to suck eggs.” What on Earth is that one about? You’ve got
a lot of free-range eggs,
“All right, Gran, I’m gonna teach you to suck eggs.”
“I’m not gonna suck eggs, I’m not! You piss off, you young children! There’s
a mouse here making a plan, you see? Planning to scale the Eiffel Tower on a bat…”
“Why are you Scottish, Gran?”
“I don’t know… I’ve been taken over by Mrs. Badcrumble. Oh, my hairnet! It’s
coming off… The hair thieves are upon us!”
Now we do have haircuts, don’t we? Humans have haircuts, and sheep have haircuts,
and poodles, and they’re the only three animals in the entire world, in the universe,
as we know, to have haircuts. This is true, you don’t get ants going, (mimes ants
marching and moving hair away from the face) You don’t get lions going, “I’ll
go and get that antelope… (mimes running) Jesus Christ! (moving hair away from
face) I’ll put it in bunches, right?” (mimes lion braiding his mane and resumes
running) The antelope’s going, “There’s a huge girl with big teeth coming after
me! Run! Run!” (mime turns from running to swimming) The last one was the butterfly…
Which is a pointless swimming stroke, isn’t it? Remember when you had to stand
back in the swimming bars, and some big, fucking kid came through doing the butterfly?
(mimes water splashing) You just wanted to hit him with a floater. “Fuck off with
your butterfly! Fucking show-off! We can’t even do doggy-paddle yet! Bastard!”
Anyway, we do get haircuts, and sheep get haircuts. Some sheep must be going
into that shearing shed, going, “Hi, can I get a coffee? Thanks.” (singing laconically
while turning magazine pages) “Yeah, a little bit off the top, loose down the
back, and sort of wedge-shaped, that’s quite in at the moment. That’d be great,
thank you… thank you” (mimes sheep reading and shearer at work) Flump! (mimes
sheep looking in mirror after being sheared) “Well, it’s not quite what I was
after…” (picks up the fleece and piles it on top of head) “Do you have a hairnet?”
16. Foreign Exchange
I’ve done a bit of Latin in me time, but I can control it, you know. I never
let it get out of hand, I just… have a dealer and… he sells me Latin transcripts,
and you know, “Okay…” (mimes effects of Latin) so that late at night you just
feel like translating Latin for a bit, upstairs, smoking in the coats’ room. I
don’t know what I’m talking about now. No, I did, I did Latin, I learnt “Amo,
amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant!,” and it comes in handy. Yes! Sometimes
you’re queuing at a petrol station at 3:00A.M. in the morning, and there’s a line
of murderers behind you, and you turn around and go, “Amo, amas, amat, amamus,
amatis, amant!” and they go, “Fuck! He knows Latin! (mimes running away) He
knows a dead language! Run! Head for the hills! Head for Azerbaijan! Run down
the forecourt”
Yeah, I remember you did it as “an option,” yeah… And the teachers with options
“Yeah, learn Latin! You’ll get the whole underlying knowledge of all the European
“Why don’t we just learn the European languages, then?”
“That’s a good point, yes…”
It’s very rare you’re at Frankfurt airport and someone’s going,
“Ja mein Herr, was ist los?”
and you’re going:
“Sprechen Sie Latin? Pugnato sum… et kumquat and romanes avec gallum et… pugnato
“Ja, ja, aber was ist los?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know, what ist los? Do tell me…”
So I don’t think it’s very useful today, really, and they had language labs!
Language labs came in when I was at school, and that was great; you get in that
little cubicle, had a tape going around, the headphones on, and the tape would
go, “Où est la plume de ma tante? Monsieur, où est la plume de ma tante?”
And you’d go, “La plume de ma tante est près de la chaise de ma tante… as well
you know…”
And the tape would go: “Oui! Oui, la plume de ma
tante est près de la chaise de ma tante…” You’d go, “How does this tape know
what I’m talking about?” And the tape would continue, “Où est la plume de mon
oncle?” And you’d go, “La plume de mon oncle est bingy bongy boogy bongy…”
And the tape would go,
“Non! Pas du tout! La plume de mon oncle n’est pas bingy bongy boogy bongy
– qu’est-ce que vous dîtes? Vous êtes un putain!”
“Je ne suis pas un putain. Je n’avais pas le sexe pour
l’argent – qu’est-ce que vous dîtes, vous cassette?’
And the tape would go, “Oh, oh pardon. Je suis désolé, vous avez raison.
(sings) Je suis seulement un pauvre cassette. Je n’avais pas les pantaloons…”
Oh, it’s an old song…! Yeah…
I did an exchangeship with France; yeah, the teacher at my school said, “Do
you want one of ours? He’s already loaded into the tuba.” (mimes flying to France
taking off from inside a tuba) And I went to a place called Châlons-Sur-Marne,
it’s on the river Marne, otherwise it’d be “Châlons-Sur… no, nothing.” It’s in
the Champagne region of France,
which is North… North-East, and champagne is going on there all the time. They
have loads of champagne, and they celebrate all the time. “You’ve crossed the
road? Champagne! You’ve walked out of a shop? Champagne! You can lean over a bit
like this? Champagne!” Big occasions – “You had a baby?” (mimes opening and drinking
a can of beer)
So it’s a bit of a functional French town, every country’s got a bit of “oh!”
Emotionally linked with Felix, though… And we were shown around places of interest
in Châlons-Sur-Marne; we were shown around the glue factory, you know. When you’re
a kid, you go,
“Oui, oui, le – le usine de glue. C’est très bien.”
“Voici le usine de glue. Voici la porte de l’usine de glue. (mimes getting
hand stuck to doorknob) Merde!”
Se we went around, they showed us glue- one pot, they lifted the lid, there
was just glue going around, we’re going, “Oui, c’est très bien.” (mimes tasting
glue) And we ended up in a boardroom, and a bloke with a flipchart was saying,
“Voici l’usine de glue. C’est le flipchart et… qu’est-ce que c’est? Le fromage?
Les souris? ‘Le Job Italian’! Qu’est-ce que ‘Le Job Italian’? Qui est Charlie
Croker? Camp Freddy? Mr Bridger…” Sorry, just gave you the whole list there. The
cast list.
So he said, “Oui, oui, c’est l’usine de glue. Ah ici, c’est… Ah, the glue
making process, okay. Ici un cheval, pas de glue, un cheval, pas de glue, pas
de cheval, beaucoup de glue!”
“Oh, c’est merde pour le cheval!”
“ Oui, c’est merde…”
And it was an exchange trip, so we had to be re-exchanged, you know, and this
all took place in the cross-Channel ferry, like it does. And all my teachers went
down – we all went down on to the car deck, and my teachers switched on the lights
of their Rover… and the Châlons teachers switched on the lights of their Citröen.
All my teachers got out with cricket bats and tennis rackets (mimes teachers taunting
French teachers) And all the Châlons teachers got out with French sporting equipment…
a set of boules. And my head teacher is going, “Send the English kid over!” So
I was pushed off with a load of French bread…
“C’est un cadeau, un cadeau!”
“Oh, merci, merci…”
And the French kid was coming over with a load of Brillo pads… “Oui, oui, c’est
un cadeau de les anglais. C’est le shredded wheat. Ils sont très generous,
n’est-ce pas? Oui, oui, on peut le manger. Oui, un peu de lait, un peu de sucre…
Et on mange, mange, mange, mange, mange, mange, mange, mange, mange, et après,
pas de dents!”
If you don’t understand French, by the way, all of this is very funny, I assure
it. But we’re Europeans, we can swing with it.
I did German tapes as well! Big drop in your understanding. The tape’s going
round and saying, “Wo ist das Kind, mein Herr? Wo ist das Kind?” And I’d
go, “Das Kind ist in dem Flughaben… as well you know!” And the tape would go,
“Ja, das Kind IST in dem Flughaben. Aber warum?”
“Well, I’m not really sure… Perhaps he likes the airplanes.”
17. Roman Funerals
And then we did Latin tapes as well, we did bloody Latin tapes, and they were
just lies. It was pure lies because no one knew what the bloody accent
was. They were trying to get you to learn the Latin accent, and they had NO IDEA!
Because everyone was dead, it’s a dead language; the Romans, for all they knew,
could have said, (in a high pitched voice) “Hello, we’re the Romans!” (in a deeper,
dumber voice) “We’re the Romans.” (mumbles same line through different pitches
and accents) “We’re the Romans, we want to come in your country and take all your
things.” They had no idea, so they lied, and they made up all this Roman accent,
which was kind of floaty, it was (floatily) “Puella est in cena.” And that
was too floaty for me, because this is a very aggressive nation, very (growls);
I mean, they weren’t into democracy and diplomacy, ‘cause they were Greek words,
and they’d invaded them… They went ‘round, invading countries, with organized
men with stabby swords, stab, stab, stab… I just don’t think they went into Gaul,
“Hello… Are you the people of Gaul? Wonderful! Well, we are the Romans. Yes,
we are. And you must be Chief Vercingétorix, is that right? No, I recognize you
from the “Asterix” books. Well, we’re the Romans, I am a legionary; this is our
leader, Mr. Dog.”
(mimes being on a horse, then as James Mason) “Yes, I am. And a word with
you, legionary, if I may… Thinking of changing my name, I am… Changing it from
Mr. Dog to Cesar. Had a word with the marketing department… the marketing department
of Rome, and it’s Mr. Cesar… Oh, I’m getting off this see-saw! It’s boring. Bring
me my horse, thank you very much! There we go, that’s much better… Have we got
steel radials on the back of this?” Yeah…
Roman history was fascinating because 2,000 years ago they murdered and killed
a lot of people! But 2,000 years ago, “forgive and forget,” eh? Let bygones be
“beegones.” Whatever a bygone is… That’s another saying, isn’t it?
“Let bygones be bygones.”
“What’s a bygone?”
“Well, it’s a gone…”
Oh, it’s a thing that’s gone by, isn’t it? Forget it. That makes sense… So
some sayings are true! So what you do is you hit someone –
“Why the fuck did you do that for?”
“Oh, it’s a bygone! It’s already done, it’s been done… No use crying over bygones.
Look, the bygones are coming!”
(mimes bygones marching down)
“It’s the fucking invasion of the bygones!”
That’s quite good, isn’t it? “Invasion of the bygones!” They’re all going,
“Look, it’s no bother, really.” (chuckling) That’s a very British invasion. “I’m
terribly sorry, we’ve overstayed our welcome. We used to be imperialist bastards,
but now we’re just coming quite politely. Hello…”
Yes! Back in Roman times, when people died, they had professional mourners
come in, which is a terribly weird idea. “My husband is dead- Mr. Claudius is
dead. Oh, God…!” Which god…? Oh, Jove! “By Jove, he’s dead! Tragedy…” Not the
other god that you’re thinking about. I’ll do this again… (cracks up) “Oh, my
husband is dead!” Fuck it! Forget the whole thing. Re-cut. No. “My husband is
dead, Mr. Claudius is dead… And there’s not enough grief! There’s not enough grief
in this house to warrant his death, I wish to beef up the grief! Slave, get a
message out to Mourners-R-Us, will you? Tell them I wish to beef up the grief!
Yes, let bygones be bygones. Here’s 10 denarii for your trouble, and get them
straight back here, slave. What do you think you’re doing?”
And up will come a very smooth guy,
“Good afternoon, I’m Mr. Marcellus. I’m from Mourners-R-Us. (suffering moan)
Just a free sample there. Now…”
“That’s very impressive!”
“Yes… (different types of mournful sounds) I told you… (more sounds) We can
do both hands, ambidextrous. Oh, Mr. Claudius is dead, what a tragedy! A great
man- was he a great man? I hope he was, yeah… A great big man, anyway. Well, we
have several funerals on offer this week, we have a special on, the cheap one-
we call it “Oh, bum, he’s dead!” funeral. It’s our bargain, 25 denary, and that’s
just Mr. Claudius out front, and just myself about 10 meters behind, just a little
bit pissed off.” (mimes walking behind the dead man and gesturing that he’s dead)
“Oh, bum!” “That’s the ‘Oh, Bum!’ funeral, not much bother, shove him in the ground,
no problem. For a full 50 denary, we got myself and Flavius here, at either side
of the funeral cortège, slightly more geared up, slightly more, ‘Oh! (takes hand
to forehead) Tragedy! Tragedy! He was a great man…’ We could have a CV at this
point… ‘Oh, he made jam… played the ukulele, all these things… in the George Foreman
quartet’ and we’ll poke people with sticks to make them cry more. (mimes poking)
‘Go on, cry, you bastards!’ That’s our 50 denary.
And for a full 100 denary, all four of us carry the deceased along, and then
we gently lower him into the ground on straps… and then we’ll twang him into
a tree!”
That end bit isn’t really authentic, is it? But just to tail off the whole
piece, so I started twanging him into trees! And it gets a big laugh, and then
I carry on… (sticks tongue out) That’s comedy for you! But we’re kind of lugubrious
about, you know, funerals and people dying, and we always mourn the death throughout,
when celebrating the life is a different attitude. And I think, “twang ‘em
into trees!” That’s what I say. Wouldn’t you rather die and be twang into
a tree? The jury is out for that one, you know… Just think about it, give a lot
of fun to people… (mimes twanging corpse into a tree) “Oh, it didn’t! Bring it
back, bring it back… Come on! (mimes re-twanging it) Duel funerals… (mimes corpses
crossing each other mid air) Funerals on bonfire night… (mimes fireworks and twanging
corpses) It’s an option, we can go that way if we want to. So, yeah…
18. Letters to the Corinthians
Also, back in Roman times, Pliny The Younger wrote letters. He was a letter-writer,
it’s a great bloody profession, isn’t it? ”Oh, I’m gonna write some letters today…
April 7th…” He’d just write postcards, (campy cockney) “’ello. Bye!”
‘Cause people do write really crap postcards, you know. ‘I’m here. You’re not.
Bye!’ Or you start getting interesting, just at the bottom of the postcard, and
you start writing all along… (mimes writing on all sides)
Anyway, I don’t know that Pliny did postcards, but he wrote from Vesuvius;
he was at Mt. Vesuvius when it erupted, on the West coast of Italy, back in 80
(mumbles) No, it was AD 79, right? So that’s kind of the time period, and he was
there. “Dear Father, I am here at Vesuvius, it is erupting as I speak. Fucking
‘ell!!! Get me out of here!! The top’s come off the mountain! There’s stuff
everywhere! (hysterical screaming) Send ships and big ships. Send fucking
dogs… Get on to Mr. Dog, tell them to send people… Everything’s gorgeous. Got
a great tan, even though we all have it ‘cause we’re in Italy. Love and kisses,
Pliny the Younger. P.S.: Nothing.” Yeah…
And St. Paul, he wrote letters, didn’t he? “St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians.”
Always writing to the Corinthians. “St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians – Chapter
1 – Verses 1 to 53. Dear Corinthians, as you can tell from my preamble, it’s gonna
be quite a long letter. Here we go: Don’t do bad things, only do good things.
Always treat your neighbour like someone who lives near to you. Never put a sock
in a toaster. Never put jam on a magnet. Never throw your Granny in a bag. Never
suck all the juice out of a vampire. Never lean over on Tuesday…” (takes drag
out of joint) “Lots of other things, but I gotta go and have a Mars bar now. Love,
Paul (Saint).” (cracks up) Is that how he wrote his name? “Paul (Saint). B.A.
honours.” Yeah, so he wrote this – “All right, that’s the end of the letter…”
(mimes folding the letter, putting it into an envelope and licking it close) “The
Corinthians… Corinth.” (mimes sending the letter out like a paper plane)
They must’ve been real fucked off over in Corinth, don’t you think? The postman
“Come on, one of you Corinthians, gotta take this letter.”
“Oh, fuck off! That’s from old mourner St. Paul, isn’t it? No… I don’t want
it, I don’t want it!”
“You gotta take it. Come on, I gotta have a signature for it.”
“Oh, fuck off! It says “the CorinthianS,” plural. Ask someone else.
Oh, give it here. What does it say…? ‘Don’t do this, don’t do that… Never put
a sock in a toaster? Jam on a magnet…’ Ooh, he’s lost his brain, ain’t he? Whose
idea was it to be a pen-pal with St. Paul anyway? That fucking backfired, didn’t
it? He’s supposed to stop doing it at about 15, he’s been doing it for years…
Come on, Corinthians, come on, general meeting. We’re gonna write a letter back
to him, stop all this rubbish.”
“The Corinthians’ Letter Back to St. Paul - Chapter 1- Verses 1 to a million.
More letters to follow. Tuesday 28th of something. Dear Paul (Saint,
apparently), FUCK OFF! Just fu- who are you? Why do you keep sending these
letters? You arrogant bastard, you send a letter to an entire city! What do you
want us to do, put these up in a board or something? Just fuck off! You’re
coming on like Alistair Cooke, for fuck’s sake! ‘Never put a sock in a toaster,’
what’s all that about? You daft git! Love and kisses, the Corinthians.
Kiss, kiss – Steve the Corinthian, Fred the Corinthian, George the Corinthian…”
(mimes folding letter and sealing it in an envelope) “There we go – St. Paul…
Outside Corinth” (sends letter as paper plane)
19. The Carthaginian Invasion
And the Carthaginians as well! Oh, they gave the Romans hell! Because they
attacked Rome, the Carthaginians did, over the Alps on elephants… and the Romans
were never expecting that. The Romans were there, going, “What? The Carthaginians
attacking? God! I knew it! What? Attacking over the Alps? Damn! I knew they’d
do that! What? They’re coming on elephants? Where did they get the elephants?
There aren’t any elephants in Europe! This I’ve gotta see… Are you sure? You sure
it’s just not a typo mistake? ‘The Carthaginians are attacking, they’re coming
over the Alps in their element’? Happy, you know? They’re coming on fucking
They weren’t gonna, you know, they were gonna come on skis, of course. That
was the way in down the fucking Alps. But their leader, Hannibal, and his brothers,
Haveaball and Haveabanana, whose real name was, “whoa! Have a banana…” Hannibal
went to the shop, and said, “Skis for all my men! We’re gonna attack the Romans
over the Alps.” And the guy said,
“Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
“We’re gonna attack the Romans over the Alps, in fact.”
“Oh, all right. Well, fresh out of skis at the moment. The last pair just
went to… someone.”
“Oh… that’s a bummer.”
“We’ve got some elephants, though…”
“Are they good at skiing?”
“Oh, tops! Top skiers there…”
‘Cause elephants were much more lithe back in Roman times, much more like
Austrian skiing instructors are today… (mimes ski instructor’s moves) Off the
tops of those roofs of chalets… (mimes jumping from chalet roof) What about the
people who lives in those wooden huts? (mimes coming out of house with gun)
“Fuck off my roof! (shoots) Stop skiing off my roof, you bastards! Bloody elephants!
All my life living at Heathrow, coming out here… fucking ‘ell! Bit of peace of
quiet and whoom! Fucking elephants on my roof! (shoots) Sorry about that, Mrs.
Badcrumble! Anyway… So you think I should take up the clarinet, do you?”
“Yes, I do, I think it’d be very good. Mr. Cesar here has been learning the
clarinet for some time now.”
(as James Mason) “Yes, I have, it’s a very good instrument… It’s very sexy.
I’m learning ‘Snig as a Bug in a Rig.’”
“Isn’t that ‘Snug as a Bug in a Rug’?”
“Yes.” (cracks up)
“Well, I’ll go on, Mrs. Badcrumble. You know, I’m just… Why am I Australian,
by the way?”
“I don’t know.”
“My country hasn’t even been invented yet… except by the indigenous tribes
who lives there…” Whoa, there we go!
I don’t know what all that bit’s about… “Sorry about living here in this hut…
(elephant jumps off roof) Fuck off my roof! I’m gonna put a huge hairnet up, that’s
what I’ll do… (mimes putting up hairnet) That will stop them from doing it. “
Elephants going, (mimes skiing and getting trapped in the net)
“And you’re gonna stay there!”
“Can we have our ball back, please?”
So he did, and Hannibal said,
“Well, all right, you proved it with that small film there… (cracks up) You’ve
let me into it with that small elephant ski… Are you sure it’s a good idea?
“Oh, yes! (singing) If you’ve never seen an elephant ski, then you’ve never
been on acid…”
“Too true, as the old film shows. Right! Elephants for all my men.”
“What size do you take?”
“Six and a half, thanks.” (mimes standing on two elephants) “All right, you
guys better be good at skiing.”
(mimes skiing on top of elephants) Huge ski sticks. (mime continues) And the
ski lifts back in those days were enormous! I don’t know if you’ve seen… The Carthaginians
are sitting in those bucket seats, with two elephants hanging off their feet (mimes
elephant in air) The Carthaginians are going, “Oh, my thighs!”
20. Of Salutes and Handshakes
The whole military thing is very organized; it’s a very tight regime. You
need a military, I think, because it’s very hip to say, “Oh, all military should
disband!” but you keep getting organized shitheads that wanna kill people come
along, like Hitler. If it’s just a shithead, that’s fine; but if it’s an organized
shithead, people go… (mimes following in line) And that’s the problem.
Every army has rules; there are no casual armies that go,
“Oh, ‘ello, General!”
“Oh, ‘ello, Corporal.”
It’s all, (miming military salute) “Yes, Sir! No, Sir! Yes, Sir!” and there’s
all these different salutes. (miming the different salutes) You’ve got the British
one, the American one, the French one, and countries in Eastern Europe, new countries,
“Well, we can’t use that one, and that one’s been… What about this one? (using
both hands)
“Almost a surrender kind of thing…”
“Well, there’s that one… (puts hand in the air over head) or this one… (hands
to sides of face, waving fingers) or this one we quite like…” (puts hand on forehead
as visor and lifts left leg towards the back)
“Go for that one.”
(doing the arm and leg salute) “Afternoon, General.”
“Afternoon, Corporal.”
It’s not very efficient either, that… (mimes salute) What about that? (lifts
hand to the waist) That’s much more efficient, sure. (lifts hand to the hip, then
to upper thigh)
Civilians, we have a hand-shaky kind of agreement- kind of greeting thing.
And people sometimes say to you, “Oh, come here! I want you to meet a whole bunch
of people.” Suddenly, you’re meeting eight people all at once, and they all tell
you their names.
“Hi, my name is Steve.”
“Steve, hi.” (mimes name coming in one ear and out the other throughout)
“My name is Jennifer.”
“Jennifer. Bernard…”
At the end, you go, “Good to meet you all. Did you have names? I didn’t hear
a thing! They’re all over here, aren’t they?”
And some people do those squeezy handshakes; that crusher handshake, you know,
the “Small-Dick-I’ve-Got-A-Big-Handshake” kind of... The Compensation Handshake.
A firm handshake is great, but that crusher one where they start to rotate your
knuckles, you know? You’re going, “Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you…” (mimes
shaking hands casually, then encountering a crusher) And they go into this, and
you don’t react, you just go… (mimes taking in the pain, then recovering his hand)
“Jesus Christ!” We should react… because they’re gonna get away with this, they
just keep doing this stupid crusher handshake; they think it’s very “Ooh-I-have-an-enormous-penis!”
handshake, but we know it’s a small dick handshake. And you should react; if someone
starts crushing the life out of your hand, just go, “AAAAAAAAH! Fucking hell!
You bastard! Good Lord! Hope you die in a car crash!” Either that, or the complete
opposite, and just collapse on the floor. “Oh, you killed him! You killed him
dead, man! Now he suffers from hand-squeezy death. Yeah, you killed him… I’m gonna
tell on you!”
The other type of handshake is that sort of “sock in a cart” handshake you
just receive, you know? (mimes weighing the handshake) “Oh… I don’t know, 2 kilograms,
2.5 kilograms, what do you think?” You should always have a fish up your sleeve
for that one, someone gives you that kind of drop-in handshake, then you just
slap in the fish…
“Hey, your hand’s come off! Oh, it’s a fish…”
“Yes, a present from my country! Done in one! ”
21. Circle of Cool
Then it’s the cool handshake, the street handshake, which is… (mimes an elaborate
handshake) there, and then there, there and there… and sometimes… and bits after
it, you know? You can’t ask how it’s done, you just have to know it, that’s what
cool is all about. You just know… and you don’t actually just know, ‘cause
no one knows, so you have to watch it… (mimes watching on the sly) And you go
home and practice furiously on five bananas… (mimes practicing) until the thumb
comes off.
“Cool” is a pursuit of youth, it’s a fashion link thing being cool. It’s linked
to the circle- you’ve got “Looking Like a Dickhead” over here, “Average Looking,”
“Kind of Cool,” “Cool,” “Hip and Groovy…” “Looking Like a Dickhead”! I have been
known to cruise in that back area… I can walk down the street and get these opposite
reactions now. I can walk down, and people go, (mimes alternately positive and
negative reactions) Makes you feel really good, but sick… And yeah, so…
There was a look back in the ‘50s that was a matchstick out of the corner
of your mouth, in the sort of James Dean kind of era, and it was considered quite
cool. It’s quite timeless as well, it just works, I don’t know quite why; you
lean up against a wall, and you have it there, and you roll it around, and occasionally
you pull it out and go,
“Hey, you, kids! You kids be cool…”
“What a wanker! Who is he? He’s eating a match!”
“Yes, I am…”
It’s the urban equivalent of the country, kind of yokel character, with the
ear of corn out of his mouth, going,
“Hey, you, kids! Never suck the juice out of a tractor.”
(mimes sucking juice out) “What’s that?”
The tractor going (mimes deflating himself) All the juice sucked out of it.
Never mind… How do you mime a tractor that’s had all the juice sucked out of it?
That’s my one… Anyway… Just a thumbnail sketch. So…(squeaks)
Oh, yes! I just forgot what I was talking about. So one matchstick out of
the corner of your mouth, mm-hmm-hmm, quite cool. Second matchstick out the other
side of the mouth, and you’re looking like a dickhead! You’re right… A third one
in the front, looks like your teeth are sliding out…
22. Talking Birds
Eye patches have a similar number problem. One eye patch, looking quite cool!
Two eye patches… hello? Three eye patches- now what’s going on here?
Pirates and the kid at school with the lazy eye, they were the two groups that
had eye patches; again, very disparate. I don’t know how you do sub-sets with
them, but anyway… And the lazy-eye syndrome, you have one eager beaver eye, that
goes, “Oh, look at that! Oh! Oh!” and the other eye is going,
“Hey, I’m in bed! I’m in bed! Chill out, man!”
“You’re missing the best part of the day.”
“Oh, fuck off!”
So you put the eye patch over your lazy eye, so it can have a snooze, yeah?
Long John Silver had an eye patch, quite cool. Also had a parrot on his shoulder…
(doubting noises) It was the wrong bird, he should have had a mina bird! ‘Cause
parrots, they suffer from the beautiful plumage, ‘cause they’ve got greens, and
yellows and reds – real vibrant colours that really kick out, and you go, “Ooh,
wow!” but they look great and talk shite. (imitates parrot) “Squawk! Squawk!
Pieces of eight, ‘ello!” A bird that says “pieces of eight” is equivalent to having
a bird on your shoulder, going,
“£4.53! £4.53!”
“Shut up, bird, shut up. Don’t say that!”
“Shut up! Stop talking prices!”
Yeah, stuff them! Mina birds are much better; they’ve got slick black feathers,
and they sit on your shoulder, and they say things like, “Oh, look at that sunset!”
(mimes showing off the bird) If you ever see them in a pet shop, they want to
get out of the pet shop; they hate being cooped up in there, they say things ‘cause
they’re bored. People come up, and they say,
“Ooh! Nice shoes… I like your haircut, you know? I think you’re sexy!”
“That’s a nice bird! Can I buy it?”
But be careful, when you take the mina birds home, they don’t like it; they
think they’re getting their freedom once they’ve been bought, but you take them
into the lounge and they get pissed off, they get sullen… You’ve got people around,
and they go,
“Oh, they hate you!”
“What was that, mina bird?”
“You heard me… They hate you! They put poison in your coffee. There’s
a pig under the table with a gun. I control them through this cuttlefish here…”
23. Flying Obsession
‘Cause birds fly and we have airplanes, that’s the deal; but no one’s put
a flying bird, a bird that can fly, into an airplane. It’d be amazing, because
it wouldn’t be flying, but it’d be flying! A mina bird in a 747… (mimes plane
taking off, mina bird fastening seat belt, looking out the window and waving to
the birds outside) The birds outside… (mimes birds looking in while flying, in
disbelief – mina bird waves back from inside plane, points at seatbelt, reclines
seat, puts on headphones, laughs at movie…) These birds are flying very fast,
of course! (bird outside tries to stop midair to have a better look and starts
falling down) “Shit!” (gets mime for mina bird confused as he keeps flapping wings)
Oh, I’m not flying, I’m sitting! (mimes mina bird sitting, listening to music)
“Sorry? White wine, please.”(mina bird brings down tray, wine and food are put
down before it as outside birds look on) They’re hanging on to the side! (mimes
mina bird trying to deal with food) “I haven’t got fingers, could you cut this
up, please? Thank you very much.”
We have a fascination with flying, hang-gliding is the closest we’ve got.
There’s a cliff near where I used to go to school, in Beachy Head, and it’s a
big, chocolate, 300, 400-foot, maybe a mile high, who knows? We certainly
don’t, ‘cause we have no idea. Well, we’re metric now, so 30 cubic litres high,
all right? And the road goes very close, if you go to Beachy Head, and people
get out of the cars and they just want to look over the cliff. We want to look
into the jaws of death, we have that thing; and when you get close to the edge,
your brain goes… (taunting sounds) And if there’s two of you there, you go… “Get
out there!” (mimes trying to push your friend off the cliff) What is all that
about? You can’t chuck each other off! You know, whoever you’re going out with
– “Come on!” And everyone does a lot of “wait-on-the-back-foot” type walking as
well, in case there’s a big crack, and everyone goes… (mimes falling off, screaming)
And you just go lift and stand back… They old Playtex two-step – lift and stand
And it’s pointless- it would be interesting up to a point to jump off a cliff,
up to… (mimes going for the jump) Up to that point… After that, “Oh, no, no, no!”(trying
to hang on to the cliff by the nails and splattering at the bottom) At the bottom,
on the jaggy rocks, and there, a lot of crabs and seaweed going, (mimes matador’s
cape move) “¡Olé!”(singing Brazilian samba tune for some reason and waving his
hands around) “¡Si-ñor!” All the time I was doing that, I was thinking
of a Spanish word to say at the end of it… came out a bit weird, didn’t it? Should
have been “¡Señor!” not “¡Si-ñor!” That just sounds like a brand of fucking
cigarettes… from the ‘40s or something. God! Weird analogy… Even now… Oh, fuck
24. Of Wizards and Remote Controls
And so… and so what? Oh, yes, wizards! Now wizards… well, a bit of a jump
there, but they can fly, can’t they? They can fucking fly! They can fucking do
anything, because they have the big staff, the big, sort of Gandalf kind of like…
(mimes pointing the staff) “I’ll turn you into a pig!” kind of thing. And when
shit’s happening, it’s great to be a wizard, “I’ll turn you into a pig!” We can’t
do that, but the closest we’ve got to it, it’s the TV control, when you’re in
your flat, on your own, you can go, (pointing the control) “2! I’ll have a bit
of 3, thank you. 2. 3. 2. 3. 1!” In North America, they’re going, “78! 87! 54!”
We’re going, “4! Volume, volume, volume, mute… fast forward, rewind…” (sounds
of tape moving back and forth) And then the “pause” button- you press “Pause,”
and when I press the pause on a video, I want it to pause… (mimes different pause
postures) But you press it, and everyone in the film goes… (mimes characters dancing
during the pause) Surely, that button should say “La Cucaracha.” We’d love a “La
Cucaracha” button, you’d go, “La Cucaracha! I’m gonna make a toffee…” A coffee,
that is, not a toffee. Switch it off, I’m gonna make a toffee, that’s a fucking
hour! The coffee is the better one, I don’t know… fuck it. Ah, yes…
But I talk about television, I know television, I’m a child of the television
age- all the gadgets as well; I like those, but if you lose the control, we just
sit there, going, “uhhh…”
“Switch the telly on.”
“No, I’ve lost the control! We can’t even switch it on by hand, the television
is smooth…”
In the old days, you’d say,
“Change the channel!”
“No, you change it!”
“Change the channel!”
Eventually, the mouse is going, “Oh, it’s not in the plan I had! I’ll change
the channel, fucking…” (muttering) And the button was really long in the ‘70s,
(mimes pressing button) or that turny one (mimes switching channels with dial).”BBC1…
BBC2… oh, it’s come off!”
And after a while, the batteries start to go. “2. 2. 2! 2! 2!” And
when this happens, you take the back off, you put your hand up against the batteries,
and you roll them up and down… (mimes rolling hand against batteries) Yeah! That
gives you an extra two days on batteries! Two days before the long walk down to
the petrol station to queue with the murderers… (mimes operating the remote on
the queue behind and the petrol station attendant, who starts dancing) La Cucaracha.
Yeah… Wizards never have that problem, do they, with their magic staff. (mimes
pointing the staff to the other person) “I turn you into a pig. Into a pig! A
pig! (turning it on to himself) A pi… Oh, I’m a pig now! (turns himself back into
a wizard, and points away again) “Pig! Frog! Pig! Frog! Pig! Bloody batteries!
(rubbing hand against batteries) Pig! Frog! Loud Pig! (grunting) Loud pig! Loud
pig! Mute pig! La Cucaracha The Pig!” (mimes pig dancing)
25. “Whose Pig Is This?”
Television- I’m addicted to television, I’m actually watching less of it now,
‘cause at 4:00 in the morning, I’m going, (drowsily) “I must watch the… Maybe
it’s important… Beavers do what? Oh, dams! They build dams! Okay. If I ever meet
one, I’ll say, ‘Build a dam, beaver!’”
But quiz shows are something I’ve never really got into; quiz shows like “Come
On!” Well, officially, I’m not into them, they come on, I go, “God damn it! God,
I don’t like this… Jesus! A quiz… How would somebody quiz… Venice! No, Vienna!
Vienna! Damn! Fuck, I knew it was a “V” town!”
The big mainstream quiz games, like, you know, 8:00 o’clock on some evening
, anyone watches anything.
(as quiz show host) “Hey, it’s 8:00 o’clock, it’s ‘Who Gives a Shit?’ (sings
quiz show music) You don’t even know what you’re watching, and I’m Charlie Smiles,
and here it is, it’s ‘Who Gives A Shit?’ Two teams of five! Steve, tell us a bit
about yourself!”
“Well, I…”
“That’s great, Steve!” (sings quiz show music) “And something happened to
you when you were 2.”
“I was shot dead by a duck… wearing Blakeys.”
“Sounds good, Steve. This game is very, very simple and very similar to all
the other games in the world. You’re gonna pick three things out of a hat, put
them together into a small bag. If you choose the things off the conveyor belt,
put your headphones on, go into the booth, listen to some music, come back out,
act out a scene from ‘Othello,’ make a pie out of pastry, act out another scene,
sing a song, and then, if you do that, you win a sausage. Do you wanna do that?”
“Okay, you don’t go home empty-handed, ‘cause we’re gonna cut your hands off!”
(sings music from quiz show again) “Do you want to see what you would have won?
Do you want to see what you would have won? You would have been president of the
world! 3 billion people as your slaves! Instead, you’re gonna spend your entire
life living in a ditch… with poo on your head!”
“Oh, thank you very much.”
I’ve invented my own quiz game, for late nights, sort of Channel 4, when everyone’s
blasted out of their brains, and it’s called “Whose Pig Is This?” Right? That’s
what it’s called, and it’s got a mainstream presenter, who just comes out… (sings
quiz show theme) And these pigs keep getting sent out, and he goes, “Eh, whose
pig is this?” The audience is laughing, and he doesn’t know! “Whose pig is this?
There’s a pig in the studio! There’s a pig here! Can you get this pig the fuck
out of here? Sorry about that, there’s a pig…” Everyone laughing, “Right. Whose
pig is this now?” It goes on for about two hours, and 400 pigs are pushed on.
Needs a bit of work, doesn’t it? But it’s basically there, the pig motif…
26. The Psychic Powers of “Q”
But I am a gadget nut, I’m a real- you’ve heard of techno-fear? Well, there’s
techno-fear and techno-joy, and techno-fear are people on computers, going, “No…
I don’t… It’ll wipe it… No…” (shuddering) And techno-joy are people going, “I
know how to do this! It’s… Oh, I’ve wiped it! Oh, it’ doesn’t- hit it with a hammer!
“ That’s me, “hit it with a…” You’re just getting something new, and you get this
big tome to read through, and you go, “Oh, it’s so powerful! Oh, fuck…” (mimes
turning pages on manual and slowly pressing keys on gadget) And then you just
set fire to it all, and run around in your knickers for a bit…
But I am into gadgets; I was always fascinated by James Bond’s gadgets, ‘cause
he had these brilliant little gadgets, but the guy who gave them to him, “Q,”
he must have been some sort of psychic, ‘cause they always gave him exactly
what he would have want of, very lean, wasn’t it? He used every single item, he
never came back, going, (as Sean Connery) “Q, I’ve got a lot of stuff I didn’t
use on that adventure. Went all the way out to fucking God knows where, and this
watch that turned into a hamster, what was the point of that? These trousers,
press a button, turn into jam. Why? The hat turned into a bicycle, that was very
It was! He’d fall into the water, there were sharks there, he had a breathing
apparatus; he could breathe up to four minutes. He never went, (as Connery) “Shit!
It’s in the hotel! I’ve got the trousers that turn into jam, though…”(mimes pressing
button, pants turning into jam, and shark approaching) The shark’s going, “Oh,
there’s blood everywhere! Look, it’s blo- (sniffs) It’s jam! (sniffing more) Oh,
I’ve got water in me nose!” Anyway… Do they do that? Do they go… (mimes choking
on water) You see a shark coming to the surface… (mimes shark coughing and spitting)
“Oh, it went down the wrong way… I swallowed some oxygen…” Anyway… yeah…
So he did, he had precisely- when James Bond got into the Aston Martin, with
the ejector seat, the baddie sat in the fucking ejector seat! He never
sat in the back… (mimes Bond driving with baddie in backseat) James going,
(as Connery) “You couldn’t sit in the front, could you?”
(in strange voice) “No, Mr. Bond, I will sit in the back. I will sit in the
back seat. I have a gun on you, I’m a S’mores agent and you can go nowhere.”
“You couldn’t come and sit up here in the front, could you? It’s a nice seat
here… I like the company.”
“No, I will not, Mr. Bond. I’ll sit in the back here.”
“Where exactly are you from, by the way?”
“Don’t you take the piss out of me! I will come up in the front and talk to
you… Why don’t you… I am a S’mores agent, I have a voice synthesizer in my throat.
I can do any accent you can think of. Unfortunately, I’ve lost the instructions,
it seems, and my voice box is stuck on “shop demonstration,” which is a bit of
a bummer…”
“You’re a fucking nutter you are! Still, he’s in the ejector seat now, I’ll
press… Oh, shit! I’m not in the Aston Martin! I’m in a fucking Mini! Nice car,
but no fucking ejector seat. Even the windows are those half ones…” (mimes opening
the window in a Mini) “Bugger!” (laughs like Muttley)
He never did that, did he, James Bond? He never went… (again laughs like Muttley)
That was more Muttley, wasn’t it? “My name is Bond, James Bond.” (laughs like
Muttley) That wouldn’t be cool enough for him.
“You think you’ve got me, Blowfelt? Well, you haven’t!” (Muttley laughter)
“My name is not Blowfelt, I am a S’mores agent, man.”
“Right… Oh, I’ve got a breathing apparatus! I know what to do.” (mimes breathing
through apparatus)
“What are you doing, Mr. Bond?”
“I can breathe for four minutes with this, and you can’t!”
“I think I can…”
“Can you? Oh, bum!” (Muttley laughter) “You don’t have a shark, do you, by
any chance? ‘Cause they quite like jam, you know…” Yeah…
27. Theory of Relativity
I watch a lot of educational stuff on telly as well, and I think it’s great,
‘cause you can just watch it and then fuck off; you can go, “Really? Oh, really?
Oh, really?” That’s a great way to be a student- if you could have had lessons
when you were at school, going, “Oh, really? Oh, that’s great! No, I didn’t know
that… Oh, that’s the bell! Bye!” Trouble is, the teachers would say, “Now write
that out four times, and then I’m gonna test you tomorrow on stuff I’ve not told
you about.” (mimes disappointment)
I did Physics, for some reason, I didn’t want to do Physics at A-level, but
I did it, and I was quite interested in the space stuff, String Theory, Stephen
Hawkings, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity- didn’t understand what the hell it
was all about… It was great, you come up with a theory that you only can test
if you go into a black hole with a ruler. “Oh, really?” (mimes measuring with
ruler) “Oh, I got sucked in!” Probably there are two people in black holes, going,
“Hello? Have you got a ladder?” You’d need quite big forearms to pull yourself
out of a black hole… Sorry, that’s a density joke… (mimes joke going over audience’s
heads) No, it’s a gravity joke, no density joke… Fuck it! Anyway… so…
Yeah, Einstein came up with the Theory of Relativity, “E=mc2.” Energy equals
the mass, the weight, times the speed of light squared, and the annoying thing
is it’s so bloody precise, it’s so- it’s just there! And he went,
“E=mc2. It works! I’m off for a sandwich now!” (mimes Einstein walking away)
“I’m going to America to plug my head into the main…” (mimes hair standing on
end) “Now I’m going skiing with my elephant friends! Snowplough!” (mimes skiing
and jumping off roof)
“Fuck off my roof! Stop skiing off my roof!” (mimes shooting at skiers)
“Fucking nuclear physicists! Sorry about that, Mrs. Badcrumble! Anyway, tell
us that joke again about the three banjo players…” Yeah…
So anyway, he did, he came up with “E=mc2,” and there must’ve been some physicist
at the time, going, “E=mc2? I had F=mc2! Oh, damn! So close!” “F” for fudge. “Fudge
equals the mass times the speed of light squared.” But we used to do experiments,
where you tested it. “We decided to test the Theory of Relativity. Jeff got
a torch… and stood on this side of the room. Now Jeff, switch the torch on and
shout ‘’go,’ and I will time how long it takes to see the light and the speed…
(mimes getting stopwatch ready) Hold on, if you say ‘go,’ that’s speed of sound,
and I would hear that after I’ve seen the light, so say ‘go’ slightly earlier…
and you time how early you’ve… (frustrated) Oh, it’s a million miles an hour!
I said a million billion… no one can tell! No one can run that fast! And mass…
can you weigh the torch for the mass, please? Can you weigh it in a vacuum? Can
you weigh it near a vacuum, then? You can weigh it near a vacuum cleaner, that’s
great! 4.5 fluid ounces… And that is the energy in cat’s pi squared ironing board…
And so where are the batteries? Wallop, wallop, wallop…” Then you write it all
in a project, and you put water on it, dry it off with a hairdryer and give it
“It’s kind of blurry…”
“Oh, it was the rain!”
28. Pavlov’s Cat
Finally tonight, I want to talk about a guy called Pavlov, who was Eastern
European, I think Russian, and did the famous experiment, “Pavlov’s Dog.” You
probably heard of, ring bells and dogs eating food, response times, Pavlovian
kind of response, it’s all about ice-cream and… And he wrote these experiments.
“Day One – Pavlov’s Dog – Rang bell, dog ate food, very excited…” He’s become
Welsh! (Welsh accent) “Very excited… terribly excited here in Russia. Day Two
– been well-accepted here in Russia… changed my name from Evans to Pavlov. I’m
now called Gareth Pavlov… and fitting in well. Day two – rang bell, dog ate two
loads of food, very excited. Day Three, right? (big grin, trying hard not to laugh)
Day Three – rang three bells, dog ate a whole bunch of food and my leg, too. Very
excited, win Nobel Dog Prize for cats.”
So he did this, he won the prize… Nobel, whatever he won, and Pavlov’s dog,
we all know that, but you never heard his cat results, did you? You probably thought
he was finished!
“Pavlov’s Cat Results – Day One – rang bell… cat fucked off. Damn… Day Two
– rang bell, cat went and answered dog. Day Three – rang bell, cat said he’d eaten
earlier. Day Four – went to ring bell on day four, but cat had stolen batteries.
Final day – Day Five – went to ring bell with new batteries, but cat put his paw
on bell, so it only made a ‘thunk!’ noise. Then cat rang his own bell! I ate food…”
29. The Beginning of Time
I’m just gonna finish up by talking about the beginning of time. Very quick
piece, very quick! Beginning of time- the Big Bang, right? Everyone stood well
back… (mimes walking away, then covering his ears with his fingers)
“What? Oh, okay… (moves even further back) Well, how big? Very big.
All right… Stand back, Mrs. Badcrumble. Come on, Cesar; come on, Australian man…
Come on, Welsh Pavlov… “
(as Pavlov)”Oh, thank you.”
“Never go back to the universe once it’s been made, come on…”
Suddenly, BOOM! They all went, “Fucking ‘ell!” And it was made, the whole
universe exploded out in perfect circular bits that became planets later, which
was very lucky, and later on all the planets are gonna go all the way back to
the middle and crash back in when the gravity gives out, and when it goes back
in, I want to be on top of the world, holding on to big reins, going, “Come on!
Come on!” Anyway…
But later on, the Earth cooled, and Mother Nature revealed itself to the world
one day. She said,
“Creatures of the world! Gather ‘round, I shall give you your methods of procreation.”
“Oh, cheers, Mother Nature! I’ve been dying for a shag, me!”
“All right, gather round… Here’s a big clipboard, big flipchart! Now… what’s
this…? Ccheese… Minis… anyone knows what this is? (turns page) Glue factory… anyone?
Glue factory? (turns page again) Here we go. Dogs! How you doing, dogs?”
(dogs bark)
“Okay, now dogs… we have got you down, dogs… your method of procreation will
be doggy fashion! How about that?”
(dogs bark) “Yeah, we invented it!”
“I know you did! And it’s caught on big time! Okay, off you
go…” (dogs bark, then vacuum sound) “Be careful with the air lock!”
“Now cats…”
(cat meows)
“Cats, good to meet you. Now, we’ve got you down for doggy fashion! How
about that?”
(irritated meow) “What about catty fashion?”
“No, sorry, dogs got in there first; it’s a ‘patent pending’ situation… Anyway,
you’ve got cat flaps, so what the fuck are you arguing about?” (cat meows, then
vacuum sound)
“Now… Pavlov, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I’ve been trying to do things and… (mumbles) banjo…” (bell rings) “Ooh,
I’m hungry now!”
“Next we have… sheep! Good haircut, by the way… We’ve got you down for doggy
fashion! If you get hot, just take your coats off, right?” (sheep baas) “Okay…
You wearing Blakeys?”
“Mouse, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I’ve got a space rocket out of jam… It won’t work, but… it’s not my
best laid plan. I could go aglay… but Mrs. Badcrumble is coming, and Cesar, and
the Australian guy… And we could burn up on re-entry, or become a sort of… thing.”
“Well, think of a joke for the end of that line, anyway… Off you go…
“Now giraffes! Good to see you. We’ve got you down for doggy fashion, but
it’s whatever you can work out, basically. Hang off a lamppost, lean over a tree,
you know… just swing about a bit; I mean, sorry, we were gonna make you like a
Spaniel kind of size, but someone brought me a coffee and vooom! (mimes stretching
line while drawing) when I was doing design work, and there you go… Anyway, chin
up! All right…
“Human beings… Well, doggy fashion, catty fashion, giraffe fashion, sheep
fashion; whatever the hell you want, basically… Hang upside down like a bat, play
the banjo, do it on a golf course! As long as you get guilt in there somewhere,
we really don’t mind…
“Now finally, salmon! Good… Got a bit of a surprise for you, people… What
you’re gonna do is to swim upstream against a down-flowing river until you come
to a huge waterfall…”
(mimes salmon looking at Mother Nature as if she’s off her rocker)
“…and you’re going to leap, and leap, and leap, and leap up this waterfall,
and you swim along, and you leap, and leap, and leap, and leap; then you get along,
and you lay eggs, and you fertilize the eggs, and then you drop down dead!
“We’re quite happy with doggy fashion…”
“No… You piss me off, you salmon! You’re too expensive in restaurants, that’s
your trouble…”
And there’s a moral to this story. Or at least there was supposed to be a
moral, but because I’m dyslexic, it is, in fact, a marble. Thank you, good